张大千 《荷香图》

张大千 《荷香图》


藏 品:张大千 《荷香图》

編 號:2023



規 格:138*69cm




此件作品绘于大风堂特制罗纹纸之上。大千以“君子之风,其清穆如”喻荷,盛赞其高洁,一生咏荷无数。大千画荷早年学八大。而石涛浅绛法对他的影响尤深,他曾说道:“清湘花卉蔬果尤隽永有致,不落白阳、青藤窠臼……先施水墨,后笼浅绛,盖亦山水法也。傅申在《大千与石涛》一文中,更详细地指出:“大千的墨荷……实际上是兼采八大的荷叶与石涛的荷花。从八大得气,自石涛取韵,因此而能自成一家的。不识此秘,对大千的画荷,终只得其皮相而已。” 画面构图气势磅礴,荷叶参差呼应,对比中见和谐;大块面色墨的荷叶与纤痩的荷梗穿插交叉,又以尖尖的小荷衬托,对照盛开的大朵荷花,此起彼伏,目不暇给。张大千更以清丽之笔挥出数根长蒲草,令画面异常生动,整体上层次分明,极富节奏感。白色花瓣用重墨勾染瓣尖,令荷花极生动醒神。他开始重新审视传统与现代,将东西方艺术传统再次冶于一炉,游刃有余地挥洒在墨与彩的世界中,不断进行着自我的超越。This work is painted on the special rib paper of the Great Wind Hall. Daqian to“Gentleman of the wind, its clear mu such as” Yu Lotus, praised its noble, life innumerable chant lotus. Daqian painted lotus early learning eight big. The Shitao shallow Jiang method had a deep influence on him, he once said: “Qingxiang flowers and vegetables are especially meaningful, not falling white sun, Ivy Nest...”. ... first apply ink, after Cage shallow Jiang, cover also landscape law also Fu Shen in the“Daqian and Shi Tao,” an article, more specifically pointed out: “Daqian's Mohe ...... Actually, it's a combination of eight large lotus leaves and Shitao's Lotus. From the eight great gas, from Shitao rhyme, so can be their own. I don't know the secret, but I can only see the appearance of the Lotus.” The composition of the picture is magnificent, with the lotus leaves echoing each other, and the contrast is harmonious. The Lotus leaves with large, ink-colored faces intersect with the slender lotus stems, and they are set off by the small, pointed lotus, as opposed to the large, blooming lotus flowers, which rise and fall one after another. Zhang Daqian's delicate brush strokes on a few cattails bring the scene to life. White petals with heavy ink hook tip, so that the lotus is very vivid awakening. He began to re-examine the tradition and the modern, the eastern and western art traditions once again into a furnace, skillfully sprinkled in the ink and color world, constantly self-transcendence.