


藏 品:乾隆款喜上眉梢海棠花儿首郎窑红釉四方尊

編 號:1137



規 格:H:31cm W:27cm C外径:13cm C内径:9.5cm B外径:14 cm  B内径:11.5 cm   WT:9.8斤




该尊整体特征分四面八片五级、第一级:四方口外突口沿;第二级:内凹式中上部四面弧度收口;第三级:衔接上下部凸式外翘腰线挑沿;第四级:中下部外凸型弧度四面尊体;第五级:底部为正方形外翘收边底座。尊体外饰精美黄铜图案造型,尊身为喜上眉梢,左右两边为两枝海棠花枝造型耳首,口沿四边为仿青铜器回文,底座为花卉造型。 郎窑红釉是清康熙时期仿明宣德宝石红釉所烧的一种红釉,康熙时郎廷极督理景德镇窑务时仿烧成功,故以其姓氏命名。 本尊实物特征描述:其整体施郎窑红釉,釉面色泽浓艳,釉色极润,犹如初凝的牛血一般猩红,又称牛血红;釉面有开裂纹片,小白点,并有不规则的牛毛纹;放大镜下看大小不一的云母泡,闪闪发亮;圈足内白釉泛黄外底釉呈米汤色,口部呈淡青,口沿内四角呈浅红色的“灯边草”;釉清澈透亮有垂流感,流釉不过足,脱口垂足郎不流,尊身棱角边均显露呈淡青色;尊内满施橘皮釉;底部有“大清乾隆年制”款识。 本尊整体器型端庄,稳重、古朴、高贵,大气,铜质工艺细腻灵动,瓷器与铜制造型完美结合,立体感强烈,呈现当时的奢华喜庆祥和之意。The overall characteristics of this statue are divided into four sides, eight pieces, and five levels. The first level is the protruding edge of the four sided mouth; Second level: concave upper and middle four sided curved closure; Level 3: Connect the upper and lower convex waistline overhang; Fourth level: lower and middle convex curved tetrahedral body; Level 5: The bottom is a square outer raised edge base. The exterior of the statue is exquisitely decorated with a brass pattern. The statue has a happy eyebrow, with two begonia flower branches on the left and right sides, and a bronze imitation palindrome on the four sides of the mouth. The base is in a floral design. Langyao red glaze is a type of red glaze fired during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, which imitated the Ming Xuande gemstone red glaze. During the Kangxi period, Langtingji successfully imitated the firing of Jingdezhen kiln affairs, so it was named after his surname. Description of the physical features of this deity: Its overall appearance is made of Lang kiln red glaze, with a rich and brilliant glaze color, extremely moist, resembling the initial setting of cow blood, which is generally crimson, also known as cow blood red; The glaze has cracked patches, small white spots, and irregular cowhair patterns; Under a magnifying glass, mica bubbles of varying sizes sparkle and shine; The white glaze inside the circle foot turns yellow, and the outer bottom glaze is in rice soup color. The mouth is light blue, and the four corners along the mouth are light red "lamp edge grass"; The glaze is clear, transparent, and has a drooping effect. The flowing glaze cannot reach the feet, and the drooping feet do not flow when the mouth is lifted. The edges and corners of the body are exposed in a light blue color; The interior of the statue is covered with orange peel glaze; At the bottom, there is a "Qing Qianlong Year Made" style. The overall shape of this vessel is dignified, stable, ancient, noble, and atmospheric. The copper craftsmanship is delicate and dynamic, and the porcelain and copper shapes are perfectly combined, with a strong sense of three-dimensional, presenting the luxurious, festive, and peaceful atmosphere of the time.