


藏 品:胭脂红彩缠枝莲八吉祥纹鼎式炉

編 號:1120



規 格:H:30cm;L:25cm




乾隆皇帝笃信佛教,宫中盛行礼佛仪式。冠耳炉为佛前五供之首,胎体厚重坚致,造型端庄大方,蹄形三足,肩置对称冲天大耳,因与炉身结合形似朝冠,故曰朝冠耳炉。通体以矾红装饰,腹部主题纹饰为上、下相错排列的缠枝莲托八吉祥纹,颈部、双耳、蹄形足上均绘缠枝莲纹;口沿、肩部及胫部则以云蝠纹、回纹、如意云纹装饰;口沿外侧红彩边框内以矾红书“大清乾隆年制”六字篆书横款,篆法规整,结构严谨,为不可多得的宫廷供器。整器纹饰布局繁而不乱,设色娇妍明艳,寓意吉祥如意,处处彰显乾隆彩瓷之华贵与堂皇。Emperor Qianlong firmly believed in Buddhism and the ritual of worshipping Buddha was prevalent in the palace. The crown ear furnace is the first of the five offerings of Buddha, with a thick and sturdy body and a dignified and elegant shape. It has three hoofed legs and symmetrical towering ears on its shoulders. Due to its resemblance to a court crown when combined with the furnace body, it is called the court crown ear furnace. The whole body is decorated with alum red, and the abdominal theme is decorated with eight auspicious patterns of intertwined branches and lotus supports arranged in a staggered manner. The neck, ears, and hoof shaped feet are all painted with intertwined branches and lotus patterns; The mouth, shoulders, and tibia are decorated with cloud bat patterns, echo patterns, and Ruyi cloud patterns; The outer edge of the mouth is decorated with a red border and a horizontal pattern of the six character seal script "Made in the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty" in alum red script. The seal script is regular and the structure is rigorous, making it a rare palace offering. The layout of the overall decoration is complex but not disorderly, with delicate and bright colors, symbolizing good luck and prosperity, showcasing the grandeur and grandeur of Qianlong colored porcelain everywhere.