


藏 品:乾隆年制款祭红釉浮雕刻龙纹天球瓶

編 號:1089



規 格:H:22.2cm C:5.6cm D:7.5cm




此品长颈、溜肩、圆腹、圈足。器型规整端庄,线条流畅秀美,通体施红釉,釉面肥厚滋润,釉色深沉,天球瓶寓意江山社稷千秋万代之意,此器端庄大气古雅隽秀,通体红釉为地,色泽靓丽怡人,龙纹堆塑精湛栩栩如生,此工艺传承元代山西珐华釉"堆粉立筋"技法,凹凸有致,独具立体感,龙纹苍劲有力身形矫健,威猛无比,尽显盘曲之姿,画工细腻,线条流畅圆润工艺精妙绝伦,足底青花篆书"大清乾隆年制"尽显皇家气魄,此类器物,存世量极少殊为珍贵。This artwork has a long neck, sloping shoulders, round belly, and circular feet. The shape of the vessel is neat and dignified, with smooth and beautiful lines. The entire body is coated with red glaze, with a thick and moist glaze surface and a deep glaze color. The Tianqiu bottle symbolizes the meaning of the country for generations. This vessel is dignified, ancient, elegant, and beautiful, with the entire body of red glaze as the ground. The color is beautiful and pleasant, and the dragon pattern is exquisitely molded and lifelike. This craft inherits the "stacking powder and standing tendons" technique of Shanxi Fahua glaze from the Yuan Dynasty, with a unique three-dimensional sense. The dragon pattern is vigorous, powerful, and the body is robust, and extremely powerful, It fully displays the posture of winding, with delicate craftsmanship, smooth and round lines, and exquisite craftsmanship. The foot blue and white seal script "made in the Qianlong year of the Qing Dynasty" fully demonstrates the royal spirit. Such artifacts are extremely rare and precious