


藏 品:成化年制款斗彩鸡缸杯

編 號:1083



規 格:H:4cm C:8.3cm




杯敞口微撇,口下渐敛,平底,卧足。杯体小巧,轮廓线柔韧,直中隐曲,曲中显直,呈现出端庄婉丽、清雅隽秀的风韵。杯外壁饰子母鸡两群,间以湖石、月季与幽兰,一派初春景象。足底边一周无釉。底心青花双方栏内楷书“大明成化年制”双行六字款。 此鸡缸杯以新颖的造型、清新可人的装饰、精致的工艺而历受赞赏,堪称明成化斗彩器之典型。其胎质洁白细腻,薄轻透体,白釉柔和莹润,表里如一。杯壁饰图与型体相配,疏朗而浑然有致。画面设色有釉下青花及釉上鲜红、叶绿、水绿、鹅黄、姜黄、黑等彩,运用了填彩、覆彩、染彩、点彩等技法,以青花勾线并平染湖石,以鲜红覆花朵,水绿覆叶片,鹅黄、姜黄填涂小鸡,又以红彩点鸡冠和羽翅,绿彩染坡地。施彩于浓淡之间,素雅、鲜丽兼而有之,收五代画师黄荃花鸟画的敷色之妙。整个画面神采奕奕,尽写生之趣。 此杯是明成化皇帝在景德镇御窑厂烧制的宫廷用器,明清文献多有所载,颇为名贵。明万历年间《神宗实录》载“神宗时尚食,御前有成化彩鸡缸杯一双,值钱十万”,成化鸡缸杯备受各朝皇帝追捧,稀世珍宝非常难得!The cup is slightly tilted with an open mouth, gradually converging under the mouth, flat bottomed, and lying with feet. The cup is small in size, with a flexible contour line, with a straight and subtle melody, and a straight and graceful melody, presenting a dignified and elegant charm. The outer wall of the cup is adorned with two groups of hens, interspersed with lake stones, roses, and orchids, creating a scene of early spring. There is no glaze around the bottom of the foot. The regular script "Da Ming Cheng Hua Nian Zhi" in the blue and white columns of the bottom center has a double line six character pattern. This chicken jar cup has been highly praised for its novel design, fresh and charming decoration, and exquisite craftsmanship, making it a typical example of Ming Cheng Hua's colorful ware. Its body texture is pure white and delicate, thin and light, transparent, and the white glaze is soft and translucent, with a consistent appearance. The wall decoration of the cup matches the shape, which is sparse and elegant. The color scheme of the screen includes underglaze blue and white, as well as underglaze bright red, leaf green, water green, goose yellow, turmeric, black, and other colors. Techniques such as filling, covering, dyeing, and stippling are used. Blue and white lines are drawn and lake stones are dyed flat, flowers are covered with bright red, leaves are covered with water green, and chickens are filled with goose yellow and turmeric. The cockscomb and wings are also highlighted with red color, and the slope is dyed with green color. Applying colors between shades, combining elegance and freshness, captures the beauty of the five generation painter Huang Quan's flower and bird paintings. The entire picture is lively and full of the fun of sketching from life. This cup is a palace utensil fired by Emperor Chenghua of the Ming Dynasty at the Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Factory. It is widely recorded in Ming and Qing literature and is quite precious. During the reign of Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty, the "Records of Emperor Shenzong" recorded that "there is a pair of Chenghua colorful chicken bowl cups in front of the emperor, worth 100000 yuan, for the fashionable food of Emperor Shenzong." Chenghua chicken bowl cups are highly sought after by emperors of various dynasties, and rare treasures are very rare!