


藏 品:宣德款青花束莲纹盘

編 號:1077



規 格:H:5cm C:28cm




此品浅腹,折沿,砂底,形体硕大,胎体厚重,胎质细腻,以花棱口装饰,盘内纹饰使用进口苏麻离青料绘制而成,青花色泽浓艳,局部可见"铁锈斑",充分体现了永、宣“进口料”青花瓷器的特征。釉面晶莹,肥厚润澈,盘心青花绘一束莲花,图案流畅生动,莲花是中国传统纹样,寓有高洁清廉,出污泥而不染的含义。明代宣德时期青花瓷上“一把莲”成为典型的装饰图案,通常由皇帝赏赐给为清正廉洁的大臣,以“青莲”喻“清廉”弘扬正气,倡导清正廉洁,足以见为官清廉自古乃国之根本国之大计。值得珍藏!This artwork has a shallow belly, folded edges, and a sandy bottom. It has a large body, a thick carcass, and delicate fetal quality. It is decorated with flower edges. The pattern inside the plate is drawn from imported Sumali blue material. The blue and white color is very bright, and "rust spots" can be seen locally, which fully reflects the characteristics of "imported material" blue and white porcelain in the Yongle and Xuande periods. The glaze is crystal clear, plump and smooth, with a cluster of lotus flowers painted on a plate of blue and white flowers. The pattern is smooth and vivid, and the lotus is a traditional Chinese pattern that embodies the meaning of being clean and clean, without staining when it comes out of mud. During the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty, "a handful of lotus" on Blue and white porcelain became a typical decorative pattern, which was usually awarded by the emperor to ministers who were honest and upright. The "green lotus" is used to describe "honesty and upright" to promote righteousness and advocate honesty and upright, which is enough to show that honesty and upright officials have been the fundamental national plan since ancient times. Worth cherishing!