


藏 品:雍正年制款粉彩花鸟纹盘口瓶

編 號:1074



規 格:H:29.6cm C:6.8cm D:9.2cm




本品盘口、细长颈、长圆腹,近足处外撇,圈足。瓶身以粉红、桔红、草绿、褐色、彩色描绘花鸟。瓶体端庄典雅秀美,轮廓线条柔和,构图疏朗有致,色彩淡雅,胎体洁白如玉,胎质细腻光润,质感匀净,粉彩绘花鸟纹,枝叶自然婉转,风姿绰约,花团娇艳锦簇,布置错落有致,两鸟互相呼应,颇见自然逸趣,底蓝料书"雍正年制"款,此品无论造型,彩绘技法还是纹饰,都达到粉彩空前高度。为清朝宫廷御用粉彩瓷器极品,堪称雍正粉彩官窑瓷器中的佳作!珍贵难得!具有极高的收藏价值。This artwork has a coiled mouth, a slender neck, a long round belly, and an outward curl near the feet, with rounded feet. The bottle body depicts flowers and birds in pink, orange, grass green, brown, and color. The bottle body is dignified, elegant, and beautiful, with soft contours and lines. The composition is sparse and clear, and the color is light and elegant. The body is as white as jade, and the texture is delicate and smooth. The powder painted flower and bird patterns are natural and graceful, with graceful and graceful branches and leaves. The flower clusters are delicate and beautiful, and the arrangement is arranged in a staggered manner. The two birds echo each other, showing a natural and interesting atmosphere. The bottom blue material book "Made in the Year of Yongzheng", this product has reached an unprecedented height in terms of shape, painting techniques, and decoration. It is the ultimate quality of powder colored porcelain used by the Qing court, and can be considered a masterpiece among the Yongzheng powder colored official kiln porcelain! Precious and rare! It has extremely high collection value.