


藏 品:乾隆年制款青花釉里红折枝花果纹梅瓶

編 號:1072



規 格:H:32cm C:6.3cm D:12.9cm




整器唇口、短颈、丰肩,肩以下渐收,近底微撇,内圈足。隽秀典雅,宛如佳人玉立,青花釉里红发色纯正十分艳丽,胎薄、质细、洁白细腻,胎釉精良莹润,纹饰层次丰明,笔触精准,果实饱满,枝叶茂盛,寓意吉祥!福寿安康!釉里红色艳丽而不炫,含蓄之美宛如美人初醉,与青花苍萃深沈之色,相互辉映,赏心悦目,恰到好处。此烧造工艺繁复,讲究物理变化之妙,本品具显著乾隆时期梅瓶肩部特别丰满的特征,此器物保存完好,整体呈现出乾隆盛世皇家制瓷的官窑魅力,仅供皇室珍赏,稀世珍宝!极具收藏价值与传承价值!青花釉里红品类备受乾隆皇帝推崇,更受海内外各界收藏人士的追捧。The entire lips, short neck, and full shoulders gradually converge below the shoulders, with a slight tilt towards the bottom and sufficient inner circle. Junxiu and elegant, like a beautiful jade standing, with pure and gorgeous red hair color under the blue and white glaze. The body is thin, fine, and pure white and delicate, with exquisite and translucent glaze. The decorative layers are rich and clear, with precise strokes, full fruits, and lush branches and leaves, symbolizing auspiciousness! longevity and health! The underglaze red color is bright but not dazzling, with a subtle beauty that resembles a beauty's initial intoxication. It complements the deep color of blue and white, creating a delightful and just right combination. This firing process is complex and emphasizes the wonders of physical changes. This product has the distinctive feature of the plump shoulder of the plum vase during the Qianlong period. It is well preserved and presents the charm of the imperial porcelain kiln during the prosperous Qianlong period. It is only for the royal family to appreciate and is a rare treasure! Extremely valuable for collection and inheritance! The blue and white underglaze red category is highly praised by Emperor Qianlong and is also sought after by collectors from all walks of life at home and abroad.