


藏 品:粉彩三星

編 號:1046



規 格:H:39cm




清乾隆粉彩三星图观音瓶“乾隆年制”四字双行篆书款,本品侈口,束颈,溜肩,弧腹,及底内收,下承内挖式圈足,修足规整。胎体紧致洁白,通体施透明釉,釉面莹润。 腹部以粉彩绘三星图,画面正中当为禄星,与常见的头戴长脚幞头的官员形象不同,其高攥发髻,头戴金冠,面容慈祥,身着淡绿长衫,外罩粉袍,上饰胭脂水团螭纹,项戴金环,右手持如意,是禄星的身份象征。其左侧为福星,头戴软脚幞头,鬓上朵花,慈眉善目,身着淡黄长衫,外罩灰袍,上施缠枝莲纹,左手持灵芝,右手捧立轴。The Qing Dynasty Qianlong Powder Colored Three Star Avalokitesvara Bottle is a four character double line seal script made in the Qianlong era. This product has a luxurious mouth, a neckband, a sloping shoulder, an arched abdomen, and a bottom inward collection. The lower part of the bottle has a digging style circular foot, and the feet are trimmed neatly. The matrix is compact and pure white, with transparent glaze applied throughout the body, and the glaze surface is glossy. The abdomen is painted with a three star pattern in pink, and the center of the image should be Lu Xing, which is different from the common image of officials wearing long legged Fu Tou. He is high in a bun, wears a golden crown, has a kind face, wears a light green long shirt, is covered in a pink robe, and is adorned with rouge, water, and dragon patterns. He wears a gold ring on the neck and holds Ruyi in his right hand, which is the identity symbol of Lu Xing. On the left side is a lucky star, wearing a soft footed Futou on his head and a flower on his temples. He has a kind and eye-catching appearance and is wearing a light yellow long shirt, covered in a gray robe with lotus patterns on the branches. He holds a Ganoderma lucidum in his left hand and a vertical axis in his right hand.