


藏 品:《冬奥徽宝》典藏版

編 號:6167



規 格:WT:428.01g




《北京冬奥徽宝》典藏版经北京冬奥组委授权,由国礼设计师、中国工艺美术大师组成的设计团队精心策划推出。以藏于北京故宫博物院的清代“青玉凤鸟尊”为原型,经巧妙构思再度设计创作而成。印钮以古朴灵动的瑞凤为造型,寓意对北京2022年冬奥会圆满举办的美好祝福。瑞凤口衔如意,流畅巧致,象征美好与智慧。勾云纹凤翼,细腻生动,寓意向上与进取。凤尾镌刻福水纹饰,奔腾舒卷,表现凤跃冰雪、激情奥运之情怀。整体雕琢浑厚古朴,隽秀内敛,是构图疏朗、线条清丽、工艺厚重的堂皇大玺。选用了上等和田青白玉,以温润通透的玉石体现北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会“绿色、共享、开放、廉洁”的办奥理念。全球限量发行2022方。Authorized by BOCOG, the collection of “Beijing Winter Olympics emblem treasures” was carefully designed and launched by a team of designers from Guoli and Chinese applied arts masters. Based on the Qing Dynasty “Jade Phoenix Statue” hidden in the The Palace Museum, it was designed and created again. Seal Button to the ancient and dynamic Ruifeng shape, meaning of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games successfully held good wishes. Rui Feng Mouth Title Ruyi, fluent and skillful, a symbol of beauty and wisdom. Hook Cloud Pattern Phoenix Wing, delicate and vivid, meaning upward and enterprising. Phoenix tail engraved blessing water decoration, Pentium Shu Roll, the performance of Feng leap ice and snow, passion of the Olympic feelings. It is a magnificent seal with elegant composition, beautiful lines and heavy workmanship. The choice of high-quality white jade, green and transparent jade reflects the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games“Green, sharing, open, clean” Olympic concept. Global Limited Edition 2022 parties.