


藏 品:《中国硬币》珍藏册

編 號:6122



規 格:尺寸不一Different sizes




中国硬币珍藏册收藏了1986年版长城套币个性化邮票,有壹圆,五角,贰角,壹角四版个性化邮票,每版8枚,共32枚。并将1986年长城套币制成纪念章,每枚均由2克纯金与10克纯银打造而成,共计8克纯金,40克纯银,同时还收藏了1997年至2000年发行的四套精装流通硬辅币,每套含6枚硬币,总面值一元六角八分,由于四套硬币中的1、2、5分均不参与市场流通,发行量有限,因此是难得的收藏佳品。The 1986 edition of personalized stamps of the Great Wall coin set has been collected in the China coin collection. There are one yuan, five jiao, two jiao and four jiao personalized stamps, 8 for each page, a total of 32. The 1986 Great Wall coin set was made into a commemorative medallion, each of which was made of 2 grams of pure gold and 10 grams of pure silver, totaling 8 grams of pure gold and 40 grams of pure silver. At the same time, it also collected four sets of hardcover circulating hard auxiliary coins issued from 1997 to 2000, each of which contained 6 coins, with a total face value of 1.68 yuan. As one, two and five cents of the four sets of coins did not participate in the market circulation, the circulation was small, so it was a rare collection.