


藏 品:北京2008年奥运会火炬

編 號:6099



規 格:L:72cm Wt:985g




北京奥运会火炬长七十二厘米,重九百八十五克,其造型灵感源于中国传统的纸卷轴,纸是中国古代四大发明之一,纸卷轴形象的使用使火炬充满古老的华夏文明气息。火炬的创意灵感则来自“渊源共生,和谐共融”的“祥云”图案。祥云是具有代表性的中国文化符号,早在新石器时代就已出现其雏形,到了盛唐时期,祥云图案已经广泛装饰于各类器物上,并一直沿用至今。在色彩设计方面,火炬采用红银对比的配置方法,从而能产生醒目的视觉效果,并且有利于各种形式的媒体传播。红银两色等比分割,还体现了阴阳平衡、中正大气的中国式审美。源于汉代漆器的漆红色在火炬上的运用,既体现了鲜明的华夏文化特征,也表达了热烈祥和的喜庆气氛。红色祥云图案浅浮雕于银色的背景之上,使整个火炬高雅华丽、内涵厚重。祥云火炬从设计到制作都是由我国独立完成,科技含量很高,其中的稳压装置和双火焰设计都达到了世界领先水平, 北京奥运会祥云火炬是历史的沉淀与现代的精美浑然天成的结合,它承载着中华民族的百年奥运梦想,也承载着中国人民对本届盛会的美好祝福。The torch of the Beijing Olympic Games is 72cm long and weighs 985g. Its shape is inspired by the traditional Chinese paper scroll. Paper is one of the four great inventions in ancient China. The use of the image of the paper scroll makes the torch full of ancient Chinese civilization. The creative inspiration of the torch comes from the "auspicious cloud" pattern of "origin symbiosis, harmony and integration". Auspicious cloud is a representative symbol of Chinese culture. Its rudiments appeared as early as the Neolithic age. By the prosperous Tang Dynasty, auspicious cloud patterns had been widely decorated on all kinds of utensils and have been used to this day. In terms of color design, the torch adopts the configuration method of red and silver contrast, which can produce eye-catching visual effects and is conducive to various forms of media communication. Red and silver are equally divided, which also reflects the Chinese aesthetic of yin-yang balance and positive atmosphere. The application of lacquer red, which originated from lacquerware in the Han Dynasty, in the torch not only reflects the distinctive characteristics of Chinese culture, but also expresses a warm and peaceful festive atmosphere. The red auspicious cloud pattern is embossed on the silver background, making the whole torch elegant, gorgeous and thick. The design and manufacture of Xiangyun torch were independently completed by China, and the technology content is very high. The pressure stabilizing device and double flame design have reached the world leading level, The auspicious cloud torch of the Beijing Olympic Games is a natural combination of historical precipitation and modern beauty. It carries the Centennial Olympic dream of the Chinese nation and the good wishes of the Chinese people for this grand event.

上篇: 辛亥百年
下篇: 大明元宝