视金四朱 四枚

视金四朱 四枚


藏 品:视金四朱 四枚

編 號:6076



規 格:8.8?.8cm




“视金四朱”铜钱牌,出于湖北东南部一带,为战国中晚期楚铸币。其通体呈长方形版状,面背均饰以蟠虺流云纹,正面中央铸有大小两个同心圆凸棱,构成圜钱形状。其内圆凸棱明显高于外圆凸棱,圆心内有一低于凸棱的十字筋;两凸棱之间有旋读篆书“见金四朱”四字,其书法清秀朴拙,颇具古意。旧释其见金为“良金”、“白金”、“艮金”;见通“现”,今又有学者释其为“视”,谓此则文义可解通。 此组“视金四朱”钱牌保存完好,工艺繁复细腻,存世罕见,是极为珍贵收藏价值极高的一种高额货币。The "Shijin Sizhu" copper coin, originating from the southeast of Hubei Province, was coined by Chu in the middle and late Warring States period. The whole body is in the shape of a rectangular plate, and the back of the face is decorated with serpentine flowing cloud patterns. Two concentric convex edges, large and small, are cast in the center of the front to form a round coin shape. The inner convex edge is obviously higher than the outer convex edge, and there is a cross bar lower than the convex edge in the center of the circle; Between the two convex edges, there are four characters of "see gold, four Zhu" in the rotary reading seal script. Its calligraphy is beautiful, simple and clumsy, with a lot of ancient meaning. In the old interpretation, its gold was "good gold", "Platinum" and "gen gold"; Seeing the "present", some scholars now interpret it as "seeing", saying that the meaning of the text can be explained. This group of "Shijin Sizhu" coins is well preserved, complicated and exquisite, rare in the world, and is a kind of high value currency with extremely precious collection value.