郎世宁 柱石花鸟图

郎世宁 柱石花鸟图


藏 品:郎世宁 柱石花鸟图

編 號:2008



規 格:108?0cm




郎世宁在康熙帝五十四年,作为修道士来中国传教,随即入宫进入如意馆,历经康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝,在中国从事绘画50多年,并参加了圆明园西洋楼的设计工作。郎世宁擅绘骏马、人物肖像、花卉走兽,风格上强调将西方绘画手法与传统中国笔墨相融合,构图上取法中国传统花鸟画的格局,以虚托实,注重对所绘物象的突出。以工致细腻的笔触,刻画出叶片以及鸟雀的羽毛质感和体积感,呈现出与传统的中国花鸟画迥然不同的艺术风貌。这种“中西合璧”的画风成为清代宫廷绘画艺术的一大特色,受到了清皇室的青睐。In the 54th year of Emperor Kangxi, Lang shining came to China as a monk to preach. Then he entered the palace and entered the Ruyi hall. After three dynasties of Emperor Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong, he has been engaged in painting in China for more than 50 years and participated in the design of the western building in the Old Summer Palace. Lang shining is good at painting horses, portraits, flowers and animals. In style, he emphasizes the integration of Western painting techniques and traditional Chinese pen and ink. In the composition, he adopts the pattern of traditional Chinese flower and bird painting to support the reality with the emptiness, and pays attention to the prominence of the painted images. With exquisite strokes, it depicts the feather texture and volume of leaves and birds, presenting a completely different artistic style from the traditional Chinese flower and bird painting. This "combination of Chinese and Western" painting style became a major feature of the court painting art in the Qing Dynasty, and was favored by the Qing Royal family.