


藏 品:(清)翡翠龙凤纹福寿牌

編 號:3027



規 格:D:5.7cm Wt:50g




翡翠高镂空浅浮雕凤佩 形状规格:圆饼形,直径57mm;厚10mm,镂空空心,壁厚2-3mm,重48.5克。 颜色:白底,绿色约占3分之2,为点、块、及片状绿。 工艺:高镂空、满工浅浮雕、透雕。 纹饰:正面主体为一凤,约占整体画面一半面积,左侧下一小螭龙(传说中龙生九子,螭是龙之一子),背面中心透雕万寿纹,周围三方透雕象形寿纹,隙间填充缠枝纹,包括侧面全部满工雕。正面有37个大小形状不同的开孔,似构成一图案或满文字,未能破译。 此佩之高镂空、满工浮雕工艺空前绝后,为小件玉饰品中巅峰之作;其工艺非宫廷造办处不能造(即使现代高科技水平也不能造)。 龙凤寿字是皇家之物;凤在上龙在下是慈禧时代特征。

The shape and specification of the jade high hollow and shallow relief Phoenix Pendant: round cake shape, with a diameter of 57mm; 10mm thick, hollow, wall thickness 2-3mm, weight 48.5g. Color: white background, green accounting for about 2/3, which is dot, block and sheet green. Process: high hollowed out, full work light relief, openwork. Decoration: on the front, the main body is a Phoenix, accounting for about half of the overall picture area. On the left, there is a small dragon (in the legend, the dragon begets nine sons, and the dragon is one of the sons of the Dragon). On the back, the center is carved with the pattern of longevity, and the surrounding three sides are carved with pictographic patterns of longevity. The gaps are filled with tangled twigs, including the full-length carvings on the sides. There are 37 openings of different sizes and shapes on the front, which seem to form a pattern or full of words, but can not be deciphered. The high hollowed out and man Gong relief technology of this pendant is unparalleled. It is the pinnacle of small jade jewelry; The craft can not be made at the Palace (even at the modern high-tech level). The word "dragon, Phoenix and longevity" belongs to the royal family; The characteristic of Cixi era is that the Phoenix is on top and the dragon is on the bottom.