


藏 品:宣统元宝、上海一两

編 號:5086



規 格:D:4cm Wt:27g




庚戌春季云南造宣统元宝七钱二分:该币正面点圈内为汉文和满文“宣统元宝”字样,外围镌“庚戌春季云南造”,两旁饰花饰,下镌“库平七钱二分”六字。背面蟠龙居中,外围为英文,两旁列花饰。 上海壹两:1867年(同治六年),香港造币厂设计并试铸,正面镌蟠龙,外圈有芒射纹,并镌“壹两上海”四字。背面中央为英国国徽,上镌英国皇冠,下镌“1867”年号,外圈英文字为“壹两上海”,中圈英文字为“香港”,下方一排小字“982”,系指该币含银之成色。这两枚钱币因属试铸样币,设计新颖,铸工精美,为中国银币二十珍之一。以上两枚钱币很有历史研究价值和收藏价值。Xuantong Yuanbao made in Yunnan in the spring of gengxu: the words "Xuantong Yuanbao" in Chinese and Manchu are in the dot circle on the front of the coin, and the words "made in Yunnan in the spring of gengxu" are engraved on the periphery, decorated with flowers on both sides, and the words "Kuping seven coins and two cents" are engraved on the bottom. On the back, the coiled dragon is in the middle, the periphery is in English, and flowers are arranged on both sides. Shanghai Yiliang: in 1867 (the 6th year of Tongzhi reign), the Hong Kong Mint designed and cast the coin on trial. The front side was engraved with a coiled dragon, the outer ring was embossed with a awn pattern, and the word "Shanghai Yiliang" was engraved. The central part of the back is the national emblem of the United Kingdom, engraved with the crown of the United Kingdom on the top and the year "1867" on the bottom. The English characters in the outer circle are "one or two Shanghai", the English characters in the middle circle are "Hong Kong", and the small characters "982" in the lower row refer to the fineness of the coin containing silver. These two coins are one of the 20 precious silver coins in China due to their novel design and exquisite casting. The above two coins are of great historical research value and collection value.
