


藏 品:光绪元宝

編 號:5078



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“光绪元宝”是中国早的机制币,是中国近代机制币中的十大名誉品之一,俗称“龙洋”,因钱币背面一般铸有龙纹而得名。银币正面中央珠圈内镌满汉文“光绪元宝”四个字,珠圈外上端镌汉文“北洋造”,下端镌汉文币值“库平七钱二分”,左右两端各镌一个圆点。银币背面中央镌蟠龙图,该藏品品相良好,磨损自然,收藏价值极高。 该藏品为光绪十五年(1889年),由英国伯明翰喜敦造币厂制模,试制首批机制龙洋——光绪元宝库平七钱三分银元,品相良好,存世量极低,收藏价值不可估量。 Guangxu Yuanbao" is an early mechanism coin in China. It is one of the top ten reputation products in modern China. It is commonly known as "Longyang", which is named because the back of the coin is generally cast with dragon pattern. The central bead circle on the front of the silver coin is engraved with the words "Guangxu Yuanbao" in Chinese, the upper end of the bead circle is engraved with the Chinese word "made in Beiyang", the lower end is engraved with the Chinese currency value "Kuping seven coins and two cents", and a dot is engraved on the left and right ends. The picture of a coiled dragon is engraved in the center of the back of the silver coin. The collection has good appearance, natural wear and tear, and high collection value. The collection was made in 1889, the 15th year of the reign of Guangxu. The first batch of machine-made Longyang Guangxu Yuanbao Treasury was made by the Hayden Mint in Birmingham, England. It has a good appearance, extremely low survival and immeasurable collection value