


藏 品:刺绣《四季婴戏图》

編 號:5065



規 格:L:26.2cm,W:25.2cm




扬州刺绣有着四千多年的历史。中国国家级非遗文化传承项目。是中国四大名绣“苏绣”的重要部分。 扬州古代繁华富庶,富人们衣着起居,多以刺绣为饰,女子自幼即工刺绣,古有“广陵女子善绣”之说。早在汉代,扬州刺绣就已达到较高的技艺水平,扬州刺绣卓越精致的图案原本取自于中国数千年的书画精品。

作品展现意境深邃,构图层次清晰,色彩雅致柔美。 绣品《四季婴戏图》以四季孩童的活动为主要表现对象,嬉戏玩闹、天真烂漫的童真童趣跃然眼前,局部用平针、套针、施针、虚针等针法,依据美学肌理规律,精细安排丝路,刺绣造型姿态掌握得当,丝光布局错落有致,线条细腻柔和,婉转曲折。作品既满足了人们的视觉欣赏趣味!又表现出“婴戏"这一古代民间生活中最富生机的场景,是传统文化中绘画艺术与刺绣技巧巧妙融合与再创作的典范。


Yangzhou embroidery has a history of more than 4000 years. China National Intangible Cultural Heritage Heritage Project. It is an important part of the four famous embroideries in China, "Suzhou Embroidery". Yangzhou was prosperous and prosperous in ancient times. The rich people lived and dressed in embroidery. Women began to embroider when they were young. In ancient times, it was said that "Guangling women are good at embroidery". As early as the Han Dynasty, Yangzhou embroidery had reached a high level of skill. The outstanding and exquisite patterns of Yangzhou embroidery were originally taken from thousands of years of fine calligraphy and painting in China. The work shows profound artistic conception, clear composition and elegant and beautiful colors. The embroidery "The Painting of Children Playing in the Four Seasons" takes the activities of children in the four seasons as the main performance object. The playful, naive and childlike fun is in front of us. Part of the embroidery uses flat needles, double stitches, applying stitches, virtual stitches and other stitches. According to the laws of aesthetic texture, the silk road is carefully arranged. The embroidery shape and posture are properly grasped. The mercerized layout is well arranged, and the lines are delicate, soft and tortuous. The works satisfy people's visual appreciation interest! It also shows that the "baby play", the most vigorous scene in ancient folk life, is a model of skillful integration and re creation of painting and embroidery techniques in traditional culture. The author, Master Fu Yan, has been an artist for more than 40 years. He is good at embroidering figures, landscapes, flowers and birds. His works have won many national awards and have been used as a national ritual for many times when national leaders visit. The embroidery work "Four Seasons Baby Play" won the gold medal of "Hundred Flowers Award", the highest award of Gongmei in the 16th China Gongmei Masters Exhibition. From the award evaluation, it can be seen that it is the best of contemporary Chinese embroidery art. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a rare treasure among the fine arts of Gongmei. The art value is very high, loved and pursued by the majority of collectors, and the collection value is very high. The theme is unique in the world culture and art.