


藏 品:第三套人民币珍藏套装

編 號:5048



規 格:Actual measurement




第三套人民币中被收藏界公认的八大珍品则强者恒强,其中:广发藏品的背绿水印一角券仍将是领头羊,枣红一角券、背绿一角券、古币水印二元券、星水印二元券、古币水印一元券将按比价关系节节攀升;胶版水印五角券、凹版二角券第三套人民币中被收藏界公认的八大珍品则强者恒强,其中:广发藏品的 背绿水印一角券仍将是领头羊,枣红一角券、背绿一角券、古币水印二元券、星水印二元 券、古币水印一元券将按比价关系节节攀升;胶版水印五角券、凹版二角券(特别是66年前印制的精包装)由于以前对其存世量稀少的认识不足,价格被低估,升值潜力更大。

In the third set of RMB, the eight treasures recognized by the collection circle are stronger than others. Among them, the dime with green watermark on the back of Guangfa's collection will still be the leader, while the dime with red date, dime with green back, two yuan with ancient currency watermark, two yuan with star watermark, and one yuan with ancient currency watermark will continue to rise according to the relative price; In the third set of offset watermark five dime coupons and intaglio two dime coupons, the eight treasures recognized by the collection circle are stronger than Evergrande, among which, the green watermark one dime coupon of Guangfa's collection will still be the leader, while the red one dime coupon, green one dime coupon, ancient currency watermark two yuan coupon, star watermark two yuan coupon, and ancient currency watermark one yuan coupon will continue to rise according to the price relationship; The offset watermark pentagonal coupons and intaglio dijiao coupons (especially the fine packaging printed 66 years ago) are undervalued and have greater appreciation potential due to the lack of understanding of their existing quantity.