


藏 品:(一带一路)沿线各国钱币集锦

編 號:5046



規 格:Actual measurement




一带一路”倡议,是历史的回响,更是现实的需要。G20杭州峰会上,提出的“中国方案”鼓算人心,“一带一路”作为其中的重要组成部分,成为世界经济发展的关键字。建设“-带一路”不是要一家唱独角戏,而是要欢迎各方共同参与。需要看到,"一带一路”刚刚兴起之 赞同 际,外界有一些不同的声音,诸如“一带一路形成闭环”“一带一路是转移中国过剩产能”等评论甚黑尘上,几年的的实践,以有力的事实驳斥了这些观点。

“一带一路”正在建立起一个更加广泛 分享 的利益和命运共同体。同时,建设的艰巨性、复杂性与多元性也决定了,要成功实现这宏伟愿景不能仅仅依靠硬实力,还需要依软实力以润物细无声的方式沟通情感,取得各方理解,认可和支持,催生持续的合作,互利而长远。


The "the Belt and Road" initiative is both a historical echo and a practical need. The "China plan" put forward at the G20 Hangzhou summit is encouraging. As an important part of it, the "the Belt and Road" has become a key word for world economic development. The construction of the "Belt and Road" is not a one-man show, but to welcome the participation of all parties. You need to see that, When the "the Belt and Road" was just emerging, there were some different voices outside, such as "the Belt and Road forms a closed loop" and "the Belt and Road is a transfer of China's excess capacity". The practice of several years has refuted these views with powerful facts. "The Belt and Road" A community of shared interests and shared future is being established. At the same time, the difficulty, complexity and diversity of the construction also determine that to successfully realize this grand vision, we should not only rely on hard power, but also rely on soft power to communicate emotions in a way that moistens things silently, gain understanding, recognition and support from all parties, and promote sustainable cooperation, mutual benefit and long-term. On the front is the picture of Xuanzang's negative collection. This picture is from the monument of "The Picture of Xuanzang's Negative Collection" of Xi'an Dayan Pagoda. Xuanzang learned from India. The Silk Road has spread far across Asia and Europe for thousands of years. It has set up an important channel for ancient China to go to the world and connect with human civilization. It has also condensed into a series of striking cultural symbols, which show the broad and rich Chinese culture under the guidance of the Silk Road. The background is a luxuriant and evergreen bodhi tree, which means "the mind is always the same without distractions". The offset printing shading part displays Tang cultural elements, showing the vastness and richness of Chinese culture and the great influence of Chinese civilization on the world under the guidance of the Silk Road.