


藏 品:崇祯李制问奇斋藏双龙耳鎏金博古八宝纹香炉

編 號:5038



規 格:WT:9kg H:15cm C:18cm S:32cm A:25cm




铜香炉是铜做的焚香器具,(西关铜艺)是历史悠久的传统工艺品。铜香炉虽然质地相同但是不同时代的能工巧匠们却把他们做成了作成种种形式。铜香炉用途亦有多种﹐有熏衣铜香炉﹑或陈设铜香炉﹑或敬神供佛铜香炉。铜香炉中最知名的是明朝制造的。 此炉为《崇祯李制问奇斋藏双龙耳鎏金博古八宝纹炉》整器势高挺拔,除龙纹耳炉本身的庄重与法度外,又增添几分秀美身姿,倍感俊美。炉身高,不同于常见者,口沿宽平,边缘外侈,凹颈,圆鼓腹下垂弧收,之下圈足高。

两侧塑龙纹耳,龙眼为金珠,上起自颈部,下收于炉腹的中下部,跨度大,不常见。内膛平整,底心平滑,腹身有博古八宝纹,博古纹是中国传统装饰纹样的一种,寓意清雅高洁。八宝纹为暗八仙是以道教、佛教有关的人物或器物为题材的装饰纹样。 人们常将神仙、佛所持的法宝器物作为他们的象征,认为这些器物具有逢凶化吉、辟邪防灾的作用。可见官铸炉精益求精的铸造标准。此炉保存完整,是为精品中的精品,难得一见,收藏价值极高。

Copper incense burner is an incense burner made of copper. (Xiguan Copper Art) is a traditional handicraft with a long history. Although the copper incense burner has the same texture, craftsmen of different times have made them into various forms. Copper incense burners can also be used for many purposes, including fumigation copper incense burners, or display copper incense burners, or worship Buddha copper incense burners. The most famous copper incense burner was made in the Ming Dynasty. This furnace is the "Chongzhen Li Wenqizhai Double Dragon Ear Gilded Bogu Eight Treasure Pattern Furnace", which is tall and straight. In addition to the solemnity and legitimacy of the dragon pattern ear furnace itself, it also adds a bit of beauty and looks very beautiful. The height of the stove is different from that of common people. The mouth edge is wide and flat, the edge is extravagant, the neck is concave, the belly is round, and the foot is high. The two sides are molded with dragon shaped ears. The longan is a gold bead, which starts from the neck and ends at the middle and lower part of the furnace belly. The span is large and unusual. The inner chamber is flat, the bottom center is smooth, and the belly has a Bo Gu eight treasure pattern, which is one of the traditional Chinese decorative patterns, implying elegance and purity. The eight treasure patterns are dark eight immortals, which are decorative patterns based on figures or artifacts related to Taoism and Buddhism. People often regard the magic weapons and artifacts held by immortals and Buddhas as their symbols, and think that these artifacts have the function of turning bad luck into good luck, warding off evil spirits and preventing disasters. It can be seen that the casting standard of the official casting furnace is striving for perfection. This furnace is well preserved, which is the best of the best. It is rare to see and has a high collection value.