


藏 品:盛世中华·中国印

編 號:5021



規 格:B:9.8cmWT:2.2kg




盛世中华中国印是由中国文物学会出品的一个大款纪念玉玺,设计雕刻:张铁成和郭石林、员向阳 三位大师共同完成。玉玺,是古代皇权的象征,秦、汉、唐、宋、元、明、清,我国历朝历代都有传国玺。

2008年中国成功举办了奥运会、2009年新中国成立60周年大庆典、2010年中国成功举办世博会,这三大盛事就是大国崛起,中国进入盛世的重要标志!盛世必然以重器铭记!第一次为玉玺同步发行大版张纪念邮票作为一款盛世国印,为彰显其尊贵身份,保证其以后的巨大升值潜力,国家邮政总局特别批准,专门为这套“盛世中华·中国印”发行了大版张纪念邮票,以资纪念新中国一款“盛世中华·中国印”。 在中国邮票发行史上,这是破天荒的一次,是真正的高规格藏品。

Shengshi China seal is a large-scale commemorative jade seal produced by the Chinese cultural relics society. The design and carving were jointly completed by Zhang Tiecheng, Guo Shilin and Yuan Xiangyang. The jade seal is a symbol of ancient imperial power. There are national seals in the Qin, Han, Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. China successfully hosted the Olympic Games in 2008, the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of new China in 2009, and the World Expo in 2010. These three major events are the rise of great powers and an important symbol of China's entering a prosperous era! The prosperous times must be remembered with heavy weapons! For the first time, the large-scale commemorative stamps were issued simultaneously for the jade seal. In order to highlight its noble status and ensure its great appreciation potential in the future, the State Postal Administration specially approved the issuance of large-scale commemorative stamps for this set of "prosperous China · China seal" to commemorate the new China's "prosperous China · China seal". This is the first time in the history of China's stamp issuance, and it is a real high-quality collection.