


藏 品:海兽纹铜镜

編 號:5015



規 格:Actual measurement




海兽镜是唐代的典型铜镜,象征着唐代的丝绸之路,形式多样。中国古代铜镜发展的历史有四千多年,先后经历了五个时期:早期(以齐家文化、商周铜镜为代表),流行期(以春秋战国铜镜为代表),鼎盛期(以汉代铜镜为代表),中衰期(以三国、晋、魏、南北朝铜镜为代表),繁荣期(以隋唐铜镜为代表),衰落期(以五代、十国、宋、金、元铜镜为代表)。唐代是我国铜镜发展史上最最辉煌的时期,是一个创新的时代。它摆脱了汉式镜的拘谨板滞,侧重于自由写实,其图纹从汉代铜镜的繁杂、拘谨、呆板,变得简练、流畅和清新,制作工艺也极为精细。既有艺术的魅力,又有与现实生活的和谐统一。飞禽走兽、植物花卉纹饰是这个时期铜镜装饰的主要题材。海兽葡萄镜是唐代铜镜最引人注目的镜类,它的纹饰图案充满了神秘色彩,被许多专家学者称之为“多谜之镜” 。

The sea animal mirror is a typical bronze mirror of the Tang Dynasty, which symbolizes the Silk Road of the Tang Dynasty and has various forms. The development of ancient Chinese bronze mirrors has a history of more than 4000 years. It has gone through five periods: the early period (represented by Qijia culture and Shang and Zhou bronze mirrors), the popular period (represented by the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period), the peak period (represented by the Han Dynasty bronze mirrors), the middle and declining period (represented by the Three Kingdoms, Jin, Wei and Northern and Southern Dynasties), the prosperous period (represented by the Sui and Tang Dynasties bronze mirrors), Decline period (represented by bronze mirrors of the Five Dynasties, Ten Kingdoms, song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties). Tang Dynasty is the most brilliant period in the history of the development of bronze mirrors in China, and it is an innovative era. It gets rid of the rigid and rigid Han style mirror and focuses on free realism. Its pattern has changed from the complicated, rigid and rigid Han Dynasty bronze mirror to simple, smooth and fresh, and the production process is also extremely fine. It has both artistic charm and harmony with real life. Birds, animals, plants and flowers are the main themes of bronze mirror decoration in this period. The sea animal grape mirror is the most eye-catching mirror of the bronze mirror of the Tang Dynasty. Its patterns are full of mysterious colors, and it is called "the mirror of many mysteries" by many experts and scholars.