


藏 品:豆荚蜻蜓图

編 號:3016



規 格:L:27cm,W:23cm




《豆荚蜻蜓图》是宋代佚名画家创作的一幅绢本设色画。此图画面为长圆扇形,绘豆花上栖息一只黄褐色蜻蜓,枝叶微向下垂。整幅作品结构自然,疏密得体,色彩丰富,工写结合。其中蜻蜓的描绘神妙入微。画家不仅再现了蜻蜓的形态,甚至连透明的翅膀及纹络都表现了出来。而豆花则以简笔写出,野趣天然。图中画的是田野苗圃间菜豆花与蜻蜓之类昆虫常见的景物。画面为长圆扇形,画家以独具的慧眼撷之入画,采取了特写镜头,只取其豆花的枝头,豆茎自左下向右上斜出,枝叶微下垂,枝上有浅紫色的豆花、绿色的豆叶和沉甸甸地挂下来的长长豆荚。枝梢上歇息着一只大蜻蜓,正在吮吸豆荚嫩叶的鲜汁。蜻蜓呈黄褐色,张开双翼,长长的身子下垂,尾部稍有弯曲。 图中豆荚一枝,果实乍结。一只黄褐色的蜻蜓轻轻停落在枝端,将豆荚压得微微颤动。画面构图简洁自然,疏密得体。画家用中锋细笔勾勒豆荚枝叶的轮廓,用花青、石绿轻染,以白粉点花瓣,线条沉稳,色彩丰富,形象写实逼真。图中尤以蜻蜓描绘得出神入化,其翅膀透明的质感以及清晰的纹络都表现得清清楚楚,活灵活现,反映了宋画在写实方面所达到的高度水平。此作品为明末清初名家临摹五代南唐徐熙作品,收藏价值极高,受广大收藏家的热爱和追捧。

The Painting of Dragonfly in Bean pod is a silk painting created by an unknown painter in the Song Dynasty. This picture is in the shape of a long round fan. It shows a yellowish brown dragonfly perched on the bean flower, with its branches and leaves hanging down slightly. The whole work has a natural structure, proper density, rich colors and a combination of work and writing. The dragonfly is delicately depicted. The painter not only reproduced the shape of the dragonfly, but also showed its transparent wings and veins. The bean curd is written in a simple style, which is wild and natural. The picture shows the common scenes of insects such as cauliflower and dragonfly in the field nursery. The picture is in the shape of a round fan. The painter used his unique insight to capture it and took a close-up shot. Only the branches of the bean flower were taken. The bean stem slanted from left to right, with the branches and leaves hanging slightly. There were light purple bean flowers, green bean leaves and long pods hanging down from the branches. On the top of the branch rested a large dragonfly, sucking the fresh juice from the tender leaves of the bean pod. Dragonfly is yellowish brown, with open wings, long body drooping, and slightly bent tail. In the picture, there is a pod, and the fruit is suddenly bearing. A tawny dragonfly gently landed on the end of the branch, pressing the pod to tremble slightly. The composition of the picture is simple and natural, and the density is appropriate. The painter drew the outline of the bean pod branches and leaves with a fine central pen, lightly dyed them with green flowers and stone green, and dotted the petals with white powder. The lines were steady, the colors were rich, and the images were realistic. Dragonflies are particularly depicted in the picture. The transparent texture of their wings and the clear lines are clear and vivid, reflecting the high level of realism achieved by Song painting. This work is a copy of the work of Xu Xi of the Southern Tang Dynasty of the Five Dynasties by a famous artist in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. It has a high collection value and is loved and sought after by many collectors.