


藏 品:李元玉《云豹》

編 號:3009



規 格:77cm*50cm




李元玉 (生于1958年),美国著名华人艺术家、自然与历史插画家、艺术史、中国古文字学者。 祖籍山东,生于台湾,是以家学渊源接受传统诗书画文人教育的最后一代。在计算机彻底改变世界邮票设计、发行与集邮市场之前, 李元玉被誉为国际邮票设计界的大师,曾为35国创作过六百多套全球发行的邮票,并于1998,2004年两次为联合国设计、绘画国际海洋年及频危动物专辑邮票。特别是在2004年联合国打破每年聘请三位画家贯例,将维也纳、日内瓦、纽约同步发行的三套濒临绝种的动物邮票交由李先生一人设计,是获此殊荣的唯一华裔艺术家。由他设计的许多邮票是以中国文化、历史、艺术为素材,对发扬中国文化贡献卓著。 三十年来李元玉通过研究世界古文明逐步译码《易经》与甲骨文的设计思考,2006年为绘本《巴塞农神殿-希腊文明的高峰》作全书设计与绘画,恢复了影响人类建筑史的神殿建筑原貌及建筑上的所有残缺的古代雕刻,作为未来神殿修复的参考。 2010以后十年,李先生专注于溯源中华古文明的视觉思考,破解易经及甲骨文的设计原理,并以以甲骨文、金文字原形文法字义,易经之形象逻辑与现代视觉心理学重新诠释先秦经典,他的相关著作即将于今年2022年出版。

拍品描述:创作时间:2007年。西方传统艺术的审美,现代艺术的表现,当代艺术的观念都在李元玉作品中有完美表现。中国传统国画的构图,现代水墨的笔法,当代国画的观念是中国艺术继承与发扬。 古典油画的构图,现代油画的笔触; 中国绘画的技法,西方绘画的审美; 运用丙烯的材料,画出古典油画的效果; 西方审美的方法,达到中国工笔画的效果; 油画保存800年,丙烯画就可保存2000年。

Li Yuanyu (born 1958) is a famous Chinese artist, nature and history illustrator, art history and scholar of ancient Chinese characters. Originally from Shandong Province and born in Taiwan, he was the last generation to receive the education of traditional literati in poetry, calligraphy and painting. Before computers revolutionized the world stamp design, issue and philatelic market, Li Yuanyu was regarded as a master of international stamp design. He created more than 600 sets of stamps for 35 countries, and in 1998, in 2004, two stamps were designed and painted for the United Nations for the International Year of the Sea and an album on endangered animals. In particular, in 2004, the United Nations broke with the usual practice of hiring three painters each year to design three sets of stamps of endangered animals simultaneously issued in Vienna, Geneva and New York by Mr. Li alone, he is the only chinese-n artist to receive this award. Many stamps designed by him are based on Chinese culture, history and art, and have made outstanding contributions to the development of Chinese culture. Over the past 30 years, Li Yuanyu has been studying the ancient civilizations of the world and gradually decoding the I Ching and oracle bone inscriptions. In 2006, he made a whole book design and painting for the picture book“The parthenon-the height of Greek civilization”, the original temple architecture and all the incomplete ancient sculpture on the architecture are restored, which will be a reference for the future restoration of the temple. In the decade since 2010, Mr. Li has devoted himself to the visual thinking of tracing the origins of ancient Chinese civilization, deciphering the design principles of the I Ching and oracle bone inscriptions, the image logic of the I Ching and Modern Visual Psychology reinterpret the pre-qin classics. His related works will be published in 2022.