


藏 品:五彩人物故事圆盖盒

編 號:1123



規 格:H:12cm C:13cm B:13cm




拍品规正饱满,拍品画面构图丰富而措落有致,青花色彩淡雅、明润,黄上红尤为纯正,极富立体感,其色调以红浓绿艳取胜,纯正绚丽,是彩瓷烧制的突破性精进,青花色调浓郁,蓝中泛紫 ,调以枣红、大绿、赭紫,强烈对比,纹饰着色丰富,见明绿、湛蓝、暖黄及铁红,配以黑彩及描金,人物刻画姿态多样,面相勾绘复杂生动,细致入微,主角人物描绘准确易辨,其施彩风格豪迈,繁缛华丽,色泽浓妍,变化丰富,红彩苍雅深沈,一如枣皮之色,绿彩厚润而翠意闪现,极具厚实质感,绝无飘浮黯淡,黄彩鲜明而不俗,使之朴茂地呈现出一种情绪奔放的蓬勃活力,笔意稚拙可爱,诸彩相配得当,相互辉映。

The collection is regular and full, the pictures of the collection are rich in composition, and the measures are appropriate. The blue and white flowers are elegant and bright. The yellow on red is particularly pure, which is full of three-dimensional sense. The colors of the blue and white flowers are red, thick and green, which is a breakthrough in the firing of colored porcelain. The blue and white flowers are rich in color, with purple in the blue, and the colors of jujube, big green, ochre purple, which are in sharp contrast. The decorative patterns are rich in color, with bright green, blue, warm yellow and iron red, accompanied by black color and gold painting, The characters are portrayed in a variety of poses, with complex and vivid facial sketches. The portrayal of the leading characters is accurate and easy to distinguish. The color is bold, colorful, colorful, and varied. The red color is elegant and deep, just like the color of jujube peel. The green color is thick, moist, and emerald. It is very thick and substantial. It is not floating and dull. The yellow color is bright and not vulgar, which makes it simple and lush and presents a kind of vigorous vitality with unrestrained emotions, and the strokes are simple and lovely, The colors are well matched and reflect each other.