


藏 品:王锡良千里江山图大缸

編 號:1089



規 格:C:27cm B:17cm H:21.9cm





可以说给我们展示了一幅跨越10个世纪的关于宫廷的历史文明与艺术,最大程度地展现了紫禁城艺术的独特魅力。 实是当代瓷器绘刻青绿山水的绝世佳作,再现了紫禁城镇馆之宝《千里江山图》精美绝伦的水墨画卷和无与伦比的艺术价值和历史价值。

Wang Xiliang, based on the thousands of years of exquisite skills inherited from the Forbidden City and the "green mountains and green waters" porcelain techniques, has made an unprecedented artistic process on the "Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains". In addition to the basic three-dimensional sculpture, it also uses the decorative techniques of combining "multi-layer overlapping carving and multi-layer color drawing". On the soft and clean white glaze ground, it is layered, multi angle, and multi-color system to layer overlapping carving and color drawing, It makes every detail more delicate, vivid and natural, without making the overall impression too complicated and complicated. It has opened up a new idea for contemporary pastel painting techniques creatively. It can be said that it has shown us a historical civilization and art of the imperial court spanning 10 centuries, and has shown the unique charm of the Forbidden City art to the greatest extent. It is indeed a masterpiece of contemporary porcelain painting green landscapes, representing the exquisite ink painting scroll and unparalleled artistic and historical value of the "Thousand Miles Map of Rivers and Mountains", the treasure of the Forbidden City Museum.