张孝勇 扁舟郊雨画中行

张孝勇 扁舟郊雨画中行


藏 品:张孝勇 扁舟郊雨画中行

編 號:B090



規 格:70?0cm




此画为张孝勇先生的江南水乡绘画作品,设色纸本,整体构图以江南水乡秀丽房屋秋色为主题,秋叶飘落水面布满金色,乌蓬船与鸬鹚停靠岸边,秋叶使用李可染大师的点皴法,别具特色,绘画功底深厚写实,有笔有墨,笔墨交融,把房屋和秋色湖水融为一体,使用中西结合的绘画技法,整幅画体现了江南水乡秋色惬意的生活美景,属于张孝勇先生的典型代表作品,深受国内外收藏爱好者与投资财团的追捧。具有很高的收藏价值与升值空间。This painting is Mr. Zhang Xiaoyong's painting of Jiangnan Water Town. It is colored in paper. The overall composition takes the autumn color of the beautiful houses in Jiangnan Water Town as the theme. The autumn leaves fall on the water and are covered with gold. The ebony boat and cormorant dock on the shore. The autumn leaves use master Li Keran's point texturing method, which has unique characteristics. The painting has profound and realistic painting skills. There is a mixture of pen and ink, which integrates the house and the autumn lake, With the combination of Chinese and Western painting techniques, the whole painting reflects the beautiful life of Jiangnan Water Town in autumn. It is a typical representative work of Mr. Zhang Xiaoyong and is highly sought after by collectors and investment consortia at home and abroad. It has high collection value and appreciation space.