刘旦宅 仕女图

刘旦宅 仕女图


藏 品:刘旦宅 仕女图

編 號:B088



規 格:53?5cm




此画作诗画合壁,落款刘旦宅,现代海派著名字画艺术家,擅人物,兼花鸟,取法汉唐人物、宋元山水及陈老莲和八大之花鸟,其作品吸取古人之长而融会贯通。工写兼长形成独特风格,创作多取古典历史人物题材,又作减笔泼墨,融工笔、线描、泼墨为一体,格外古朴脱俗,耐人寻味。此幅作品画面清雅脱俗,人物造型清俊秀拙相蕴,情思横逸,秀拙相蕴,生动雅健,融工笔写意,线描为一体,配以长诗题古朴脱俗,彰显其扎实的的笔墨功底和别具风格的艺境情趣,具有极高价值与升值空间。Liu Danzhai is a famous modern Shanghai style calligrapher and painter. He is good at figures and flowers and birds. His works are based on Han and Tang figures, song and Yuan landscapes, Chen Laolian and eight big flowers and birds. He is also good at both work and writing, forming a unique style. His works are mostly based on the themes of classical historical figures, and he also uses less brush and ink splashing, integrating fine brush, line drawing and ink splashing, which is particularly simple, refined and thought-provoking. The painting is elegant and refined, the figure is handsome, elegant and clumsy, the feeling is easy, the show is clumsy and clumsy, vivid and elegant. It combines fine brushwork and freehand brushwork, line drawing as a whole, with a long poem title, showing its solid brushwork skills and unique artistic taste, which has high value and appreciation space