姜国华 泼彩《回头三折望黄山客路匆匆山自闲》

姜国华 泼彩《回头三折望黄山客路匆匆山自闲》


藏 品:姜国华 泼彩《回头三折望黄山客路匆匆山自闲》

編 號:C002



規 格:画心:700×68cm




此山水长卷,为当代著名大写意画家姜国华所绘巨作,由著名鉴宝专家蔡国声老师题跋,《黄山回望三折峰》画面构图新颖别致,巍巍黄山苍茫耸立,山叠连绵大气磅礴,云雾环绕似入仙境,松柏矗立,相得益彰。注重用笔之浓淡、湿燥,师法前贤而又不拘泥于古,形成简精洗炼,凝重大气之风。山峰树木间无不折射出大自然之喜悦,情操于笔端,因而画面格调清新,意境深远,画作颇耐人寻味,掩卷沉思,不觉使人进入“,悠然见黄山”物我两忘之境界,若近若远,轻若云雾,点如山颓。l纵览黄山三折峰,揽一抹云彩做画笔,绘出人生境界之致高旷义,再摘一缕清风,挥洒出写意之矍烁精神,充分显现出作者深厚的绘画修养和底蕴,具有极高的艺术价值和收藏价值。 This landscape scroll is a masterpiece painted by the famous contemporary freehand painter Jiang Guohua. It is inscribed and postscript by the famous expert Cai Guosheng. The composition of the picture of looking back at sanzhefeng peak in Huangshan Mountain is novel and unique. The towering Huangshan mountain stands in the vast expanse, the mountains are endless and majestic, the clouds are surrounded, it seems to enter a fairyland, and the pines and cypresses are standing, which complement each other. It pays attention to the thick and light, wet and dry of the pen, learns from the predecessors but does not stick to the ancients, forming a simple, refined and dignified style. The mountains and trees all reflect the joy of nature, and the sentiment is in the end of the pen. Therefore, the style of the picture is fresh, and the artistic conception is far-reaching. The painting is quite thought-provoking. It makes people enter the realm of "seeing Huangshan leisurely". It is as close as far, as light as clouds, and as decadent as a mountain. Taking a panoramic view of the three fold peaks of Huangshan Mountain, taking a touch of cloud as a brush, we can draw the lofty and broad meaning of the realm of life, and then pick a wisp of breeze to show the hale and bright spirit of freehand brushwork, fully showing the author's profound painting cultivation and Heritage, which has high artistic value and collection value.